Lucille The 3D Printed Negan Bat

Negans Bat 3D Print

Any Walking Dead fans in ‘da house!? If so, check out our 3D Printed Negan Bat called, Lucille. Which was Negan’s much-loved baseball bat made famous in the episode that includes the meeting of Lucille and Glen’s head…..opps.

We thought it would be fun to recreate a miniature version of Lucille, and coincidentally we had just purchased some new wood PLA filament material for our 3d printer that we were desperate to try out!

The planning stage of the bat was pretty straightforward, we downloaded the STL file of the 3d print and gathered our small paint tubes in multiple colors. The only issue was trying to figure out how to recreate the barbed wire that neatly adorns the end of the bat. This we would eventually settle on using some thin wire we had laying around the studio.

Here is the raw 3d print of our 3D printed Negan bat that was produced in about twenty mins.

3D Printed Negan Bat

As you can see the print came out pretty well with just a few areas to clean up. The cool thing about the wooden PLA 3d printer filament is that it makes the room smell of wood during the printing process, and it can also be sanded or filled in just like real wood. But, we decided to leave the print rings on the bat to imitate the grain of a real wooden bat.

The next step was the barbed wire. We wrapped the end of the baseball bat around as many times as we could to match the look of the real Lucille with some thin wire. Once it looked like the real thing we took it off the bat and then cut tiny pieces of the wire off the roll and twisted it around at even intervals around the main length of the wire. This gave us the look of the barbs all the way down it.

At this stage the bat was printed and wrapped in tiny barbed wire, it looked awesome! Now just to finish it off with a bit of paint. And of course, the “Glen blood” that was left on it at the end of that tragic episode. Here is what we created…

3d Printed Neegan Bat

How do you think we did? Below is our miniature Lucille in the scene that made her famous.

Negan Walking Dead Lucille Scene

If you like Lucille she is currently available in our shop and would make an awesome tree ornament, and a great gift for any fans of TWD. Contact us with any questions or suggestions.