Altered States Scopes – Bringing the Kaleidoscope back to Life

Altered Scopes - kaleidoscope

Altered States is trying to bring the kaleidoscope back to life by creating our own more modern take on the old-fashioned mirrored product. We are currently undertaking our own designs that we hope will encourage you to see the kaleidoscope in a completely different light (pun intended).

The Kaleidoscope – A New Era of Optics

When using mirrors combined with stained glass, you can create some really cool-looking visuals. Depth is the key here when designing our kaleidoscopes because we want there to be colors and geometric shapes popping out down the entire length of the scope. So, we are creating multiple designs and experimenting with each one as we go along, which means that we are finding new and exciting things to add to each scope.

If you take a look over the gallery below, you will see that we are still pretty much in the design/building phase of this project and are still figuring out scope sizes and shapes. The more we play around with ideas, the more we come up with extra scopes to make, so it seems there is no limit to things to try. But our main goal is to blow people away when they look through the window on our scopes. We want to transport people into a different world; that’s the goal!

We decided that we will release each scope as we finish them and call them Altered Scopes. We have already decided on a few themes to begin our journey, which currently includes the Space Scope, Tri-Scope, Star Scope, and Mini Scope that will fit in the palm of your hand. Then we want to go BIG! And by “big,” we are thinking around 18″-20″ long depending on how the visuals work at that size. Wouldn’t it be awesome to be able to almost put your head into one of these scopes and see what happens? We think so!

But first, we start smaller and build our way up. As soon as we release our first Altered Scope, we will post about it and list it in our store as they become available. Not 100% on the price yet, but we will figure all that out when we get closer to the release. But for now, enjoy the gallery below and make sure to keep checking back for new arrivals.

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